For this purpose, published experimental P - T - X data in this temperature and pressure range are reviewed. read more read lessĪbstract: Evaluating the feasibility of CO 2 geologic sequestration requires the use of pressure-temperature-composition ( P - T - X ) data for mixtures of CO 2 and H 2 O at moderate pressures and temperatures (typically below 500 bar and below 100☌). On the Applicability of DFT to Anions and theFuture of DFT EA Predictions251D. Theoretical EAs for Species with UnknownExperimental EAs251C. Statistical Analysis of DFT Results ThroughComparisons to Experiment and OtherTheoretical Methods248B. Details of Density Functional MethodsEmployed in Tables IV. Layout of Tables 8 and 9: Theoretical DFTElectron Affinities247F. Density Functional Theory (DFT) andElectron Affinities245E. Basis Sets and Theoretical Electron Affinities 244D.

Present Status of Theoretical Electron AffinityPredictions243C. Theoretical Predictions of MolecularElectron Affinities243B. Theoretical Predictions of Atomic ElectronAffinities2422. Theoretical Determination of Electron Affinities 242A. Layout of Table 10: ExperimentalPhotoelectron Electron Affinities242III. Some Thermochemical Uses of ElectronAffinities241F. Time-of-Flight Negative Ion PhotoelectronSpectroscopy239E.

Experimental Photoelectron Electron Affinities 235A. Definitions of Molecular Electron Affinities 233II. Definitions of Atomic Electron Affinities 233B.